Arbuthnott, Bervie & Kinneff Church

Whether you're brand new to church, you're new to the area, or you're searching for a new church to belong to, you are very welcome to visit us on a Sunday or get in touch through the week.
We're glad you're here
You might be wondering, what it's really like at ABK Church. Simply stated, we're all about Jesus. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation; we don't care how you're dressed or who you voted for. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable. No matter your background or current situation just know that this is a safe place, and we’re so glad to have you here.
Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone.
We also want you to know that there's a place at ABK that's perfect for you. Church is so much more than just a Sunday Service. If you're ready to get connected to our church, the best way to do that is to connect with us using the button below.
What should I expect when I visit ABK Church on a Sunday? ​
You will be welcomed at the door by a friendly face, who can show you where to go and introduce you to someone who can sit with you, speak with you and answer any questions you have. ​ Click the button below to find out more about Sundays at ABK Church.​​​
Is there somewhere quieter I can sit for the services?
​At Bervie, we have a large upstairs gallery accessible by stairs directly from the front door. It is less crowded, and you can still see and hear everything in the service.​​
Is the church building accessible for wheelchair users?​
At Bervie, we have ramps at the main entrance to the building. Arbuthnott is accessed via a gravel path, so may be slightly more difficult. Unfortunately, Gourdon isn't wheelchair accessible.
Do I have to do or give anything if I come?​
No, you don't have to do or give anything if you come. If you're unsure or have questions, you're welcome to come and sit, watch and listen through the service. Nobody will ask you for money. You may be asked if you would like to leave your contact details for us to get in touch again, but you are welcome to say no. ​​
What should I wear?​
There is no special dress code, wear whatever you're comfortable in.​​
Are families with children welcome?​
Families with children are very welcome at our services. At Bervie, we have a dedicated group for children from infancy to P7. See our Sundays page to find out what goes on for children on a Sunday.
​Can I bring my dog to church?​
Guide dogs & support dogs are welcome, but sadly not other dogs or pets.​​
I would like to find out more about Christianity.
​Explore the links below to find out what we believe, and why and who we worship.​
To find out more about what happens in our church week to week click on the button below: